Monday, February 11, 2013

Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.

Write two complete paragraphs about this proverb. Remember: the first paragraph is where you explain the proverb's meaning and give your personal interpretation of it.  The second paragraph is where you offer an example of the proverb's truth from your own personal experience or a story you have read or a movie/show you have watched.


  1. The proverb "Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" means to never trust anyone, even if they look safe or innocent. The person that could be super close to you could turn around and do something terrible to you just in the snap of a finger.
    An example of the proverb "Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" is in Little Red Riding Hood when the wolf pretends to be the grandmother and eats the little girl! Little Red Riding Hood judged the wolf to be someone that he was not, but i guess we all learn our lessons!

  2. This proverb is a very important part of society today. It is overall telling people to beware of backstabbers. They are people who seem to be your friend at first, but later turn on you. They usually do it for their own self ambitions because they use the victim as a tool to become powerful. Backstabbers also betray the victim just to bring them down in life and not aid them into becoming successful. This is the sad truth of the American society today because everywhere you turn, you must look for backstabbers.
    A good example of backstabbing would be the Colts quarterback Peyton Manning getting released by the only team he played for during his career. Peyton Manning provided the Colts with a Super Bowl ring and they released him because he was getting old. I believe the Colts organization backstabbed him just because they wanted someone younger person at the position. It was a bad choice in my opinion and is a great example of “Bewareing the wolves in sheep's clothing."

    1. I agree with your comment about backstabbing, but how is the Colts team a wolf in sheep's clothing?

  3. The proverb "beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" is an important lesson that many people find out the hard way. Basically, it means that one should be cautious and not be so trusting with everyone, because even though some people might appear nice, kind, and loyal, they are backstabbers in reality and will hurt you. The "wolf" symbolizes the disloyal person, and "sheep's clothing" refers to that person's outside appearance. Never be too trusting with anyone even if they seem sincere and loyal on the outside, because you do not know how their feelings really are on the inside. Do not underestimate the ability of others to divulge secretive information that may be personal.

    This proverb is seen a lot throughout day to day life, such as in a high school setting. People are constantly gossiping and spilling the personal secrets of others who thought that they could be trusted. Most often, when personal information is leaked, the person who it is about becomes embarrassed, and this leads to them having a low self esteem. To avoid having all of this from happening, it is important to just keep your secrets to yourself, because you can never trust anybody else. It is better to be safe than sorry.

  4. The proverb "beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" is a very important lesson that is taught today. Our parents may not say it in those exact words but they always tell us to be careful who to trust, they are basically telling us to watch out for backstabbers. There are some people you think you can tell your secrets too but then they go behind your back and tell everyone. People that do this usually do it for some kind of personal gain like power, popularity or money.
    This proverb relates to high school life and all the gossip it has to provide. You think that you can trust a friend to keep a secret because you two have been 'best friends forever' but then she tells your secret to someone else and then it becomes gossip. This proverb helps us keep boundaries in what we tell people and not to fully trust them.

  5. The proverb "beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" means that we shouldn't completely trust anyone. We need to be ver picky and precise in who we decide to put our trust into. The sheep appears to be a nice person which means no harm, while the wolf disguises himself as a sheep to do something bad.
    This proverb can relate to basically every day life. There are lots of people in this world, which can consist of many wolves, and also many sheep. The wolves are especially large in schools, where kids do not know wether or not to trust someone.

  6. The proverb “beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing” translates to me as always be wary of people, because you never know who to trust. Whether or not they are your friend or some one you have just met, you should always still be causious of who to trust.

    This proverb applys to my high school life in many ways. There are always people gossiping and telling secrets behind people’s back, you may not know who to trust exacly. So the proverb “beware of wovles in sheep’s clothing” says not to always be so trust worthy, especially in high school.

  7. The proverb "beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" means to beware of people who appear one way, but are really something very different. I think it is an important lesson because there are people who may try to take advantage of you by acting like someone they are really not. The wolf in the proverb is referring to who someone really is, and the sheep to who they are pretending to be.
    An example of this in the real world may be if a person tries to gain your trust and become your friend, when they really just want to get something out of you.

  8. The proverb "beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" is used to express doubt, even in those who appear innocent. It warns you of bad people, that use their appearance or other people to trick the gullible into trusting them. The sheep symbolizes the simple being, while the wolf represents the cunning being, that may want to take advantage of the sheep.

    This proverb can help you in everyday life, and in selecting your friends, because they may appear to be cute or innocent, while in reality the are just waiting to take advantage of you. This is especially common in middle and high school, because there are many opportunities to be a "wolf". In the end, one should always be skeptical, even of the most innocent looking people.

  9. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing is a proverb that has been used in many other forms. However in this particular proverb it uses the sheep's clothing as something that is innocent and sweet . While the Wolf is of evil spirit and full of deceit. The wolf disguises himself in Sheep's clothing to tarnish the sweet and innocence of the sheep because of its evil nature which will lead to the destruction of the sheep

  10. This post is something that I think has lasted for a long time. It is about bewaring of people who try to decieve you. The wolf represents that evil trickster trying to get to you. The sheep is that innocent dumb little look the give to make you drop your guard. you must beware of them because there goal is to make it seem like there that innocent little sheep. Soon once they will get what they want because you never knew they were that wolf.

    An example can be someone who appears that they are trying to get close to you. Soon once they get what they want they can expose you for what ever the situation is.

  11. What "beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" means to me is to not be naïve when choosing your friends or choosing the people that you are going to let get close to you. It means that there are bad people out there who are going to act and pretend like they are good and might use you, take advantage of you, do bad things to you, or anything. It's saying to be aware of those people and it is warning you to stay away from them because nothing good can come from bad people pretending to be good.
    An example of this is with one of my best friends and a good friend of hers. I told her not to trust this friend because I had heard that he had done alot of bad things to good people. I warned her but she kept being friends with him anyway. As time went on they started to get closer and closer and closer to one another and she was telling him secrets she would tell me, really deep secrets. A week later, after telling him these secrets and trusting him, he spread the secrets to our whole grade and people starteed treating her differently and treated her bad for a while. I think that he was the wolf in sheep's clothing because he pretended to be this good guy but really was just trying to hurt her.

  12. "Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing" is a proverb that will never die out. It means that you should be careful of who you associate with, how you associate yourself with others, and who you trust. Because the same people you call "kin" or "friends" may be the ones who are trying to hurt you or betray you. You can never be too trustworthy in a "dog eat dog world" (a related proverb).
    In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, the conspirators all plot against Caesar in order to stop him from ruling Rome. Caesar saw a friend in all of the conspirators, especially Brutus. But it turns out they betrayed and killed him. What Caesar saw was sheep, but what they turned out to be was wolves.

  13. "Beware of wolfs in sheep's clothing" is a well known proverb that portrays a situation when an adversary pretends to act friendly and welcoming to you. This is a metaphor because it compares the actions of a vicious wolf when it tries to eat a dull sheep.

    This proverb is a great example, in the cartoon "Wiley Coyote". In one episode of the cartoon, the coyote comes up with a plan to capture the sheep in the field and make them his lunch. He decides to dress up as a sheep and act like he is part of their flock. The sheep are not even aware that the new dressed up coyote was actually, in reality, evil and vicious.
